influence <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("influence") influence.lm <- function(lm.obj) { # Residuals and influence measures for lm objects # Useful also for glm and gam objects # GKS Jan 96, 15 Oct 97, 27 Jan 98 # lms <- summary.lm(lm.obj) lmi <- lm.influence(lm.obj) h <- lmi$hat e <- residuals(lm.obj, type = "pearson") z <- e/sqrt(1 - h)/lms$sigma t <- e/sqrt(1 - h)/lmi$sigma k <- lms$df[1] d <- (z^2 * h)/k/(1 - h) b <- lms$coefficients[2:k, 1] se.b <- lms$coefficients[2:k, 2] bi <- lmi$coefficients[, 2:k] <- lmi$sigma %o% (se.b/lms$sigma) n <- sum(lms$df[1:2]) dfbetas <- (rep(1, n) %o% b - bi)/ data.frame(h, z, t, d, dfbetas) } plot.t <- function(inf) { # Plot externally Studentized residuals from a linear model # GKS Jan 1996 # plot(inf$t, type = "h", ylab = "Studentized Residuals") n <- length(inf$t) p <- dim(inf)[2] - 4 t.crit <- - qt(0.025/n, n - p - 2) lines(c(1, n), c(t.crit, t.crit), lty = 2) lines(c(1, n), c( - t.crit, - t.crit), lty = 2) } plot.d <- function(inf) # Plot Cook's distances from a linear model # GKS Jan 1996 # plot(inf$d, type = "h", ylab = "Cook's Distance")