pronyfreq <- function(y,nfreq=1,constant=T,tol=1e-5,maxit=10,trace=F,warnings=T) { # Estimate frequencies by constrained eigenvalue methods. # Includes constant term by default. # Smyth, G. K. (1999). Employing symmetry constaints for improved frequency # estimation by eigenanalysis methods. Submitted. # Kahn, M., Mackisack, M. S., Osborne, M. R., and Smyth, G. K. (1992). On # the consistency of Prony's method and related algorithms. J. Comput. Graph. # Statist. 1, 329-349. # Gordon Smyth, U of Queensland, # 2 July 99. Last revised 10 Oct 99 # Check input n <- length(y) minn <- 4 maxf <- (n-1)/3 if(!constant) { minn <- minn-1 maxf <- maxf+1/3 } if(n < minn) stop(paste("Need at least",minn,"observations")) if(nfreq > maxf) stop(paste("Can't estimate",nfreq,"frequencies")) # Number of complex exponentials p <- 2*nfreq+1 if(!constant) p <- p-1 # Form Q Q <- matrix(0,p+1,nfreq+1) sqrt05 <- 1/sqrt(2) if(constant) { for (i in 1:(nfreq+1)) { Q[i,i] <- sqrt05 Q[p+1-i+1,i] <- -sqrt05 } } else { for (i in 1:nfreq) Q[p+1-i+1,i] <- Q[i,i] <- sqrt05 Q[nfreq+1,nfreq+1] <- 1 } # form Y i <- 0:(n-p-1) Y <- matrix(0,n-p,p+1) for (j in 1:(p+1)) Y[,j] <- y[j+i] YQ <- Y %*% Q # Constrained Pisarenko B <- crossprod(YQ) / (n-p) g <- eigen(B,symmetric=T)$vectors[,nfreq+1] d <- Q %*% g # Constrained ORA nM <- as.integer(n-p) mM <- as.integer(p+1) M <- matrix(0,nM,mM) mode(M) <- "double" LYQ <- YQ iter <- 0 repeat { iter <- iter+1 if(iter > maxit) { if(warnings) warning("No convergence in maxit iterations") break } for (j in 1:(p+1)) M[,j] <- t(d[1:(p+2-j)]) %*% d[j:(p+1)] choleb <- .Fortran("choleb", nM, mM, LDL=M) D <- choleb$LDL[,1] if(any(D <= 0)) { if(warnings) warning("singularity encountered") break } D <- sqrt(D) for (j in 1:(nfreq+1)) { solblt <- .Fortran("solblt", nM, mM, LDL=choleb$LDL, LYQ=YQ[,j]) LYQ[,j] <- solblt$LYQ / D } B <- crossprod(LYQ) / (n-p) gold <- g g <- eigen(B,symmetric=T)$vectors[,nfreq+1] d <- Q %*% g if(trace) cat("Iter",iter,round(g,6),"\n") if(max(abs((g-gold) / ifelse(g!=0,g,1e-5))) < tol) break } if(d[1]==0) return(NULL) d <- as.vector(d) # Extract known root = 1 if(constant) { d <- cumsum(d)[1:(2*nfreq+1)] d[(nfreq+2):(2*nfreq+1)] <- d[nfreq:1] } # Extract frequencies freq <- Arg(polyroot(d)) freq <- unique( sort(freq)[(nfreq+1):(2*nfreq)] ) # Fit to data r <- matrix(0:(n-1),n,1) f <- matrix(freq,1,length(freq)) X <- cbind( cos( r%*%f ), sin( r%*%f ) ) if(constant) X <- cbind(1,X) qrX <- qr(X) list(prony=d,freq=freq,coef=qr.coef(qrX,y),fitted=qr.fitted(qrX,y), residuals=qr.resid(qrX,y),iter=iter) }