Up to index  Plurals

Indefinite plurals are usually formed by adding -e or -er to the singular, although some nouns remain unchanged and some others are irregular. In the definite article plural, nouns take an -(e)ne or -(er)ne ending. Here are some examples:

  singular plural
  indefinite definite indefinite definite
en bil a car
en skole a school
en stol a stool
en mus a mouse
en chip a chip
bilen the car
skolen the school
stolen the stool
musen the mouse
chippen the chip
biler cars
skoler schools
stole stools
mus mice
chips chips
bilerne the cars
skolerne the schools
stolene the stools
musene the mice
chipsene the chips
et hotel a hotel
et hus a house
et år a year
hotellet the hotel
huset the house
året the year
hoteller hotels
huse houses
år years
hotellerne the hotels
husene the houses
årene the years

Some rules-of-thumb for remembering which plural form to use:

As in English, there are also irregular plurals, for example: en bog (a book), bøger (books).


Up to index  Danish for English Speakers

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