Mathematical and Statistical Terms
Technical terms including politics and economics as well as mathematics and statistics
can often be translated by the EuroDicAutom provided by
European Commission Translation Service.
- analyse
- analysis (can append to term to indicate `analysis of ', as in residual
analyse analysis of residuals; søvnanalyse analysis of
- bestemmelse
- decision
- dynamisk lineære modeller
- dynamic linear models
- estimationsfunktioner
- estimating functions
- forsknings center
- research centre
- generaliserede lineære modeller
- generalized linear models
- generaliserede lineære blandede modeller
- generalized linear mixed models
- institut
- department
- Kalman filtrering
- Kalman filtering
- longitudinelle
- longitudinal
- longitudinelt
- longitudinal studies
- model
- model
- residual analyse
- analysis of residuals
- selskab
- society
- state space modeller
- state space models
- statistik
- statistics
- statistisk
- statistical
- varianskomponenter
- variance components
- ægdeling
- branching processes
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