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remlscore REML scoring for heteroscedastic regression
Fits a heteroscedastic regression model using residual maximum likelihood (REML).
remlscore(y, X, Z, trace=F, tol=1e-5, maxit=40)
y numeric vector of responses.
X design matrix for predicting the mean.
Z design matrix for predicting the variance.
trace Logical variable. If true then output diagnostic information at each iteration.
tol Convergence tolerance.
maxit Maximum number of iterations allowed.
beta Vector of regression coefficients for predicting the mean.
se.beta Standard errors for beta.
gamma Vector of regression coefficients for predicting the variance.
se.gam Standard errors for gamma.
mu Estimated means.
phi Estimated variances.
dev Minus twice the REML log-likelihood.
h Leverages.
Write mi = E( yi) for the expectation of the ith response and  si = Var( yi). We assume the heteroscedastic regression model

mi = xiTbeta,    log(si) = ziTgam,

where xi and zi are vectors of covariates, and beta and gam are vectors of regression coefficients affecting the mean and variance respectively.

Parameters are estimated by maximizing the REML likelihood using REML scoring as described in Smyth (2000).

Smyth, G. K. (2002). An efficient algorithm for REML in heteroscedastic regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11, 836-847. (PDF)
> X
   Intercept B C 
 1         1 0 0
 2         1 0 1
 3         1 1 1
 4         1 1 0
 5         1 1 1
 6         1 1 0
 7         1 0 0
 8         1 0 1
 9         1 1 1
10         1 1 0
11         1 0 0
12         1 0 1
13         1 0 0
14         1 0 1
15         1 1 1
16         1 1 0
> Z
   Intercept C H I 
 1         1 0 0 0
 2         1 1 0 1
 3         1 1 1 0
 4         1 0 1 1
 5         1 1 0 1
 6         1 0 0 0
 7         1 0 1 1
 8         1 1 1 0
 9         1 1 0 1
10         1 0 0 0
11         1 0 1 1
12         1 1 1 0
13         1 0 0 0
14         1 1 0 1
15         1 1 1 0
16         1 0 1 1
> y
[1] 43.7 40.2 42.4 44.7 42.4 45.9 42.2 40.6 42.4 45.5 43.6 40.6 44.0 40.2
[15] 42.5 46.5
> library(Matrix)
> out <- remlscore(y,X,Z)
> cbind(Estimate=out$gamma,SE=out$se.gam)
             Estimate        SE 
Intercept -3.15886017 0.8313270
        C -2.73542576 0.8224828
        H -0.08588713 0.8351308
        I  3.33238821 0.8250499
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Gordon Smyth. Copyright © 1996-2016. Last modified: 10 February 2004