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Pulse Rates before and after Exercise

Keywords: Paired comparisons, ANOVA, multiple regression, binomial proportions


Students in an introductory statistics class (MS212 taught by Professor John Eccleston and Dr Richard Wilson at The University of Queensland) participated in a simple experiment. The students took their own pulse rate. They were then asked to flip a coin. If the coin came up heads, they were to run in place for one minute. Otherwise they sat for one minute. Then everyone took their pulse again. The pulse rates and other physiological and lifestyle data are given in the data.

Five class groups between 1993 and 1998 participated in the experiment. The lecturer, Richard Wilson, was concerned that some students would choose the less strenuous option of sitting rather than running even if their coin came up heads, so in the years 1995-1998 a different method of random assignment was used. In these years, data forms were handed out to the class before the experiment. The forms were pre-assigned to either running or non-running and there were an equal number of each. In 1995 and 1998 not all of the forms were returned so the numbers running and sitting was still not entirely controlled.

Variable Description

Height Height (cm)
Weight Weight (kg)
Age Age (years)
Gender Sex (1 = male, 2 = female)
Smokes Regular smoker? (1 = yes, 2 = no)
Alcohol Regular drinker? (1 = yes, 2 = no)
Exercise Frequency of exercise (1 = high, 2 = moderate, 3 = low)
Ran Whether the student ran or sat between the first and second pulse measurements (1 = ran, 2 = sat)
Pulse1 First pulse measurement (rate per minute)
Pulse2 Second pulse measurement (rate per minute)
Year Year of class (93 - 98)


Data file (tab-delimited text)


The data was supplied by Dr Richard J. Wilson, Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland.




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