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Mass and Physical Measurements for Male Subjects

Keywords: multiple regression


For his MS305 data project, Michael Larner measured the weight and various physical measurements for 22 male subjects aged 16 - 30. Subjects were randomly chosen volunteers, all in reasonable good health. Subjects were requested to slightly tense each muscle being measured to ensure measurement consistency. Apart from Mass, all measurements are in cm.

Variable Description

MassWeight in kg
ForeMaximum circumference of forearm
BicepMaximum circumference of bicep
ChestDistance around chest directly under the armpits
NeckDistance around neck, approximately halfway up
WaistDistance around waist, approximately trouser line
ThighCircumference of thigh, measured halfway between the knee and the top of the leg
CalfMaximum circumference of calf
HeightHeight from top to toe
ShouldersDistance around shoulders, measured around the peak of the shoulder blades


Data file (tab-delimited text)


Larner, M. (1996). Mass and its Relationship to Physical Measurements. MS305 Data Project, Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland.


This is very well behaved data. One can log-transform all the variables, but the original scales are very nearly as good. There is no evidence of non-linearity or interaction.

> leaps.mass <- leaps(physical[,2:11],Mass,nbest=3)
> df.mass <- data.frame(p=leaps.mass$size,Cp=leaps.mass$Cp)
> round(df.mass,2)
                                                             p     Cp
                                                      Waist  2  60.50
                                                       Fore  2  74.80
                                                   Shoulder  2 110.36
                                                 Fore,Waist  3  14.70
                                                 Waist,Calf  3  25.25
                                             Shoulder,Waist  3  29.54
                                          Fore,Waist,Height  4   7.45
                                            Fore,Waist,Calf  4  11.18
                                           Fore,Waist,Thigh  4  12.21
                                    Fore,Waist,Height,Thigh  5   4.44
                                     Fore,Waist,Height,Calf  5   6.10
                                     Fore,Waist,Height,Head  5   6.83
                               Fore,Waist,Height,Thigh,Head  6   4.14
                               Fore,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh  6   4.82
                                Fore,Waist,Height,Calf,Head  6   5.35
                          Fore,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  7   4.38
                          Fore,Chest,Waist,Height,Calf,Head  7   4.81
                         Fore,Chest,Waist,Height,Thigh,Head  7   5.50
                    Fore,Chest,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  8   5.47
                    Fore,Bicep,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  8   6.07
                 Fore,Shoulder,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  8   6.12
               Fore,Chest,Neck,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  9   7.13
           Fore,Chest,Shoulder,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  9   7.45
              Fore,Bicep,Chest,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head  9   7.47
         Fore,Bicep,Chest,Neck,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head 10   9.01
      Fore,Chest,Neck,Shoulder,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head 10   9.10
     Fore,Bicep,Chest,Shoulder,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head 10   9.45
Fore,Bicep,Chest,Neck,Shoulder,Waist,Height,Calf,Thigh,Head 11  11.00

> lm.mass <-lm(Mass~Fore+Waist+Height+Thigh)
> summary(lm.mass,cor=F)

Call: lm(formula = Mass ~ Fore + Waist + Height + Thigh)
    Min      1Q  Median     3Q   Max
 -3.882 -0.6756 -0.1017 0.9641 4.992

                Value Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -113.3120   14.6391    -7.7404    0.0000
       Fore    2.0356    0.4624     4.4020    0.0004
      Waist    0.6469    0.1043     6.2015    0.0000
     Height    0.2717    0.0855     3.1789    0.0055
      Thigh    0.5401    0.2374     2.2750    0.0361

Residual standard error: 2.249 on 17 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9659
F-statistic: 120.5 on 4 and 17 degrees of freedom, the p-value is 3.079e-012 



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