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Statistics Jobs in Australia: 2011 January - March

Naomi Wray, 17 February 2011

Statistical Genetics Positions

Queensland Institute of Medical Research

Multiple research positions in statistical genetics (Post-doctoral and PhD studentship)
Psychiatric Genetics and Queensland Statistical Genetics Laboratories of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Brisbane, Australia
Lab heads: Naomi Wray and Peter Visscher

Project: Estimation and prediction analysis of complex traits using genome-wide marker data

Advances in technology which allow typing of millions of DNA markers simultaneously have revolutionized gene mapping in human genetics, making it one of the most exciting and fast moving fields in science. Genetic studies such as these generate large volumes of data and require advanced statistical and computational methods to link disease and trait phenotypes from often thousands of individuals to the high density genetic data. We have pioneered the use of multi-marker statistical genetic methods in human genetics to elucidate the genetic architecture of complex traits and have developed a framework for predicting an individual's risk to disease from genome-wide marker data. We have secured funding from for post-doctoral positions to enable us to build upon this foundation and develop and implement better methods to predict phenotypes from SNP data. This research could ultimately lead to diagnostic and prognostic genetic testing for complex genetic diseases. The successful applicants will be involved in the development and testing of methodologies for innovative whole-genome analyses of existing data, development and testing of new prediction methods, evolutionary modelling of the distribution of causal variants and new analyses of meta-analysis summary data.

The research will be directed by Dr. Naomi Wray and Professor Peter Visscher whose laboratories already contain 8 post-doctoral researchers. QIMR is one of the largest medical research institutes in the southern hemisphere, with programs in areas such as cellular and molecular sciences, epidemiology and population health, cancer biology, biotechnology, infectious diseases and vaccine development.

Postdoctoral positions
QIMR Research Officer (RO) $64,649-$69,397 depending on experiences. Appointment as Senior Research Officer (SRO) $73,049-$78,529 may be possible for applicants meeting the QIMR criteria for appointment at this level. These are full-time appointments for three years.

PhD studentship
Fully funded PhD stipend (AUS $25K per annum tax free).

Closing date: 1st April 2011.
For informal enquiries, please contact Naomi Wray (naomi.wray@qimr.edu.au)
For more details and to apply: http://recruitment.qimr.edu.au/currentjobs.aspx


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