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Statistics Jobs in Australia: 2011 July - September

BA mailing list, 14 July 2011

Postgraduate Scholarships

University of Melbourne

THREE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE in Infectious Disease Research - Genomics, Genetics and Bioinformatics with Prof. Robin Gasser, Faculty of Vet. Science, University of Melbourne

Advances in genomic and bioinformatic technologies are now providing unique opportunities for molecular investigations of major infectious diseases. The advent and integration of high-throughput -omic technologies are revolutionizing the way biology is done, allowing the systems biology of organisms to be explored in great detail. Our research program focuses on exploring the fundamental biology of pathogens/parasites and the diseases that they cause using a range of new technologies, and is focused on developing radically new methods of treatment, diagnosis and control. Opportunities exist for highly motivated students with experience in molecular biology, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, biochemistry, parasitology and/or microbiology, to undertake research in parasite genomics, bioinformatics and biology within the framework of our current research program. PhD scholarships, for immediate entry, will be available to work in the following three areas: Systems Biology of Pathogens, Genomics and Novel Drug Targets, and Waterborne & Zoonotic Pathogens. Go to

http://research.vet.unimelb.edu.au/gasserlab/jobs.html for details.

Professor Gasser's work is featured in our latest Science Story: 'Finding the Achilles Heel of Parasites' at



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