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Statistics Jobs in Australia: 2013 October - December

ANZSTAT mailing list, 18 November 2013

PhD and postdoc positions

University of New South Wales

PhD and postdoc positions in Bioinformatics / immuno-virology of viral infections in the liver.

We are looking for PhD students and one Postdoc to work on research projects in the area of bioinformatics and statistics to study the immuno-virology and pathogenesis of hepatitis B and C infection. These positions will be to work on several projects using high-throughput technology (deep sequencing) to study the pathogenesis of HBV and hepatitis C (HCV) infections. These positions are funded by NHMRC Project Grant and other research funds, all investigating the role of viral genomes in driving liver diseases during hepatitis infections.

Successful applicants will join a team of wet- and dry-lab researchers, working on various aspects of the hepatitis C virus and immune responses against the virus. This research is done in collaboration with experimental scientists in the fields of virology and immunology.

The projects are suited to students with a strong background in a quantitative discipline such as bioinformatics, computing science, physics, mathematics or statistics.

Additional information on the Infection and Immunity Group's research interests is available at:


For PhD candidates with a strong track record, the possibility of scholarships are also available. There are two types of PhD student scholarships on offer:

1. A full stipend of approximately AUD$30,000 (maximum per annum).

2. A scholarship of AUD10,000 (maximum per annum) to supplement an
Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or International Postgraduate
Research Scholarship (IPRS).

These scholarships are for study at the University of New South Wales in Australia and are to be used for living expenses. We will support these scholarship with a top up scholarship, which will improve the total stipend of the student. More information on the postgraduate research scholarships is available at:

The position is based at the University of New South Wales, which is located in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, very close to the famous beaches Bondi and Coogee. Sydney is one of the most liveable city in the world, with fantastic landscapes, life-style and most importantly a vast number of research institutions and universities. Sydney is one of the most international city, multicultural and home of people from >100 nationalities.

Interested applicants should contact Dr Fabio Luciani: luciani@unsw.edu.au

Please include a cover letter and CV that provide details about previous employment history (if any), education history, technical skills, and research interests.


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